Calorie Calculator

Activity Level

How did we determine how many calories you need?


This calorie calculator works by estimating your total daily energy expenditure, or TDEE, and measuring it against your weight goal. TDEE, which is expressed as an average number of calories, includes the amount of energy required to perform basic bodily functions at rest (breathing, blinking) combined with the energy expended by your activities (workouts, walking to the water cooler). To gain weight, eat more calories than your TDEE. To lose weight, eat fewer calories.

An aggressive calorie deficit can help you lose weight faster, but it can also make you hungry, sap your energy. If you feel this way following the calorie calculator’s recommended target, increase your calories by 200 and reevaluate how you feel after a week. Your results may take longer to show up, but it will feel like less of a struggle and you’ll be more likely to maintain your progress.

Conversely, if you feel like the target gives you more than enough to eat and you’re not seeing results, try adjusting the target down slightly and eating less.


How did we determine how many calories you need?


This calorie calculator works by estimating your total daily energy expenditure, or TDEE, and measuring it against your weight goal. TDEE, which is expressed as an average number of calories, includes the amount of energy required to perform basic bodily functions at rest (breathing, blinking) combined with the energy expended by your activities (workouts, walking to the water cooler). To gain weight, eat more calories than your TDEE. To lose weight, eat fewer calories.

An aggressive calorie deficit can help you lose weight faster, but it can also make you hungry, sap your energy. If you feel this way following the calorie calculator’s recommended target, increase your calories by 200 and reevaluate how you feel after a week. Your results may take longer to show up, but it will feel like less of a struggle and you’ll be more likely to maintain your progress.

Conversely, if you feel like the target gives you more than enough to eat and you’re not seeing results, try adjusting the target down slightly and eating less.